I’m sitting here at my computer, trying to type a blog post with an update on our fashion panel while watching The Bachelorette finale. OK, don’t judge, I’m such a sucker for this season because I really like Emily Maynard. I know many people will make fun of me for outing myself as a fan but I have been waiting for tonight to see who she’ll pick…
However, I find myself blankly staring at my computer screen and in a fog, instead of getting my trivial joy about Emily and Jef ending up together. I have been in a fog all weekend ever since the massacre in Aurora, CO. I’ve had a knot in my stomach all weekend and I can’t get all of the victims and their stories out of my head. My heart aches for all of the lives lost and lives altered because of the monstrous acts of one man. This has directly impacted our fangirl and fanboy community and my thoughts and prayers are with everyone affected by this tragedy.
I will update my Facebook and Twitter pages tomorrow with the information I was going to type here but in the meantime I honestly have no more words, just sadness.