Name of Fangirl: Genevieve
Fangirl’s School Grade: 3rd
What is her Fangirl interest?
Doctor Who, Marvel, DC, Star Wars, Harry Potter, Outlander (no she hasn’t seen it, she just knows mama loves it, so she plays along!! Lol) and science.
Why did you decide to shine the spotlight on this Fangirl?
She is extremely bright, and has the heart to match. A sweeter or smarter child, you will never meet. She works hard in school, is in the gifted program and recieved straight A’s all this past year, but she likes to say her hobby is making people happy. Everyone who meets her, adores her.
How does this Fangirl express her fandom?
We have big family parties everytime she finishes a Harry Potter book. We go all out, dress up, make butter beer, and watch the movie. Her and her older brother, Gaibrial, are both into geeky exploits and they love to do those things together, whether it is playing Lego dimensions with their new Dalek figure, or going to watch The Force Awakens in the theatre, they nerd together. They are a nerd team. She has a lot of nerdy shirts, and she loves to tell people she is nerd, and that’s okay, because nerds are cool!
What is her favorite quote or personal motto?
“Nerds are cool” or “I love being a nerd!”
What is her favorite Fangirl item that she cannot live without?
She made her own Harry Potter wand, from scratch, which she is very proud of, and she has it in a place of honor in her room.
Where can we follow her online?
This is her singing the theme to Outlander. I don’t know how, but the author, Diana Gabaldon, found this video on Twitter, and shared it. What followed was a week of total excitement for her, as views went up and the comments came in.