Name: Betty L.
Location: Westerville, OH
Bio: I have been costuming for over 20 years. Any chance to dress up I take! It is also a family affair, as my children and my husband also costume, sometimes we costume together, sometimes separate. I met my husband of 17 years through a costume group.
So many fandoms. What’s yours?
Star Wars to Star Trek, Doctor Who to Doctor Strange, D&D to World of Warcraft, Dragon-lance to Elf Quest, Catwoman to Tarot, Anime to Scooby Doo, Steampunk to Lolita….I like a bit of everything. I guess my true fandom is creativity!
How do you subtly (or not-so-subtly!) work your fandom into everyday life?
I wear things like a top hat with gears on it, t-shirts of MANY things, my Doctor Who umbrella, my “Join the Resistance” decal on my phone, the Millennium Falcon light in the living room, the infinity and Pop collection on the DVD shelves, and the billboard for several fandoms that is my car!
As a fangirl, what are you most proud of?
I am proud to inspire. Little girls see their favorite characters in the costumes I create, they may think I am really her, then they grow up and realize, hey, I can do that, be that. It helps them believe and see that they really can be whatever they want, even if for just one day.