Hi Everyone!
I have another fangirl spotlight video on two friends Erin and Amelia! I met them last year at Dragon*Con and I had the pleasure of seeing them again at this year's Dragon*Con. Erin and Amelia are two good friends that come to Atlanta every year to experience D*C together. Guess what? They are not there with their boyfriends, brothers or Dads… it's just the two of them… two girls… at a Sci-Fi convention. Imagine that!!! Now, I know this information is not a surprise to most everyone reading my blog, after all if you actually go to a Sci-Fi convention, you will see the halls filled with women. Close to half of ALL Sci-Fi fans are women! I am speaki
ng to the general public who seem to still be shocked by this growing fan base of passionate women who love this genre.
I wanted to interview Erin and Amelia because I really like how they have bonded over Sci-Fi. They are two amazing ladies who are setting an example of friendship, support and how much fun it can be to experience a convention together. So I encourage other girls in our Her Universe community to grab your costumes and go to events like these with a buddy or a group! It's a lot of fun with a fellow fangirl by your side.
Ashley 😮