Design: Metroid Samus Gown – Metroid
Lindsay Orndorff’s geeky love affair started with classic Nintendo at the age of 5, and from there, she absorbed as much as she could from Batman, Transformers, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and more. As she grew older, she was able to turn her first love into a career as a video game developer and she never looked back. For the past ten years, she has been an avid cosplayer, and eventually her interests evolved to include all things geek and fashion. In 2012, Lindsay and a good friend started Set to Stunning, a blog to help women like themselves show their love of nerdy things in cute and stylish ways. When not looking for the latest fashion trend, you can find her at home with her “wonderful” husband and two cats, Grimlock and Starscream.