Many of you have already seen snippets of my video diary from Star Wars Celebration VI right here on the blog, but as promised, I am excited to share with you my final video diary from the entire event! With over 20 minutes of brand new footage, I take you with me behind the scenes and show you what happened from my point of view. I'm definitely a visual person and I've never been good at keeping a written diary, so I grabbed my camera and decided to capture the event documentary-style for everyone to see! You'll go with me behind the scenes before our Clone Wars panel and press conference, come with me on the red carpet at the Clone Wars Season 5 premiere, watch our Her Universe photo shoot, see what happens when I try to fight with a lightsaber right handed (I'm left handed so I'm sure you can imagine how that turned out) and see what happens when I try and get Season 5 secrets out of Dave Filoni!
I want to say a huge thank you to my friend and director Jason Surrell for following me around with a camera and directing my video diary and also to Danny Miller from Studio Say So for editing the final piece together. I am beyond grateful that they were willing to share their time and talents with me to produce this video. I have also apologized to them profusely since they had to listen to my silliness for hours on end 😮
I hope you like it and let me know your thoughts because I hope to bring you more video diaries from future events!
May The Force Be With You!