This week, we announced our Her Universe plans for Celebration VI. One of the events I’m most excited about is our Her Universe photo shoot! Girls have been telling me for the past two years that they want to be a Her Universe model. Well I agree, and I’m so excited to finally be able to get everyone together for a professional photo shoot! Fangirls come in all ages, shapes and sizes and I want to represent our Her Universe brand with real fans. Professional photographer Preston Mack, who shot my Ahsoka Tano cosplay photos seen here in this CNN Geek Out! article, has graciously offered his time and talents to come to Celebration VI and take photos all day on Saturday August 25th from 10 AM- 7PM in room W305A. This photo shoot is FREE of charge and all of the photos will be posted on Facebook on a special Her Universe photo board for girls to tag and share their photos with friends and family! There will be a sign-up sheet posted right outside of room W305A starting at 10 AM for girls to come and sign up for a shoot time at some point during the day and it’s first come, first served. Please come in your favorite Star Wars by Her Universe shirt, jewelry piece, bag or hat and if you don’t have a Her Universe item, we will have something you can slip on just for the shoot! All ages are encouraged to attend and if you would feel more comfortable shooting as a duo to trio, that’s fine too! Maybe a Mother and daughter shot or three best of friends…we just want girls to come and show off their Star Wars fandom, have fun, strike a pose and Flaunt Your World!!!
Also check out this same information on the Star Wars blog and join the conversation with fellow fans on that page too!
May The Force Be With You!