Design: The Time of Your Life – Death, DC Comics
Claire Max is a clothing and costume designer residing in Los Angeles, whose deep love of all things geeky has been a driving force in her life. She has been designing and making original clothing since 2006, and has been a part of the cosplay and geek world since she attended her first con in 2001. Her love of creating garments and desire to stand out from the crowd led her to begin her first clothing line in 2006, specializing in custom-made gothic Lolita wear. Since then, she has attended college to pursue a degree in Fashion Design, and continued to produce cosplay creations for herself and others. Her style has evolved into what she calls “geek chic,” a way to share the things she loves with the world while remaining on the cutting edge of fashion. She believes that individuality, passion, and intelligence are a girl’s most valuable assets, and that we should never be afraid to let our geek flag fly. Live long and be fabulous!