Name of Fangirl: Krissy Fangirl’s Occupation: Web Fact Checker What is her Fangirl interest? Star Wars, Lost, Battlestar Galactica, Lord of the Rings, Disneyland’s Haunted…
Fan Girl of the Day
Name of Fangirl: Jen Fangirl’s Occupation: Wedding planner & florist What is her Fangirl interest? Star Wars, Star Trek, Stargate, X-men, anything Disney related,…
Name of Fangirl: Eva Fangirl’s School Grade: 6th What is her Fangirl interest? Star Wars, Dragons, Legos, Lord of the Rings, drawing, reading, target practice, archery,…
Name of Fangirl: Diana Fangirl’s Occupation: Blogger What is her Fangirl interest? A wide range of Scifi goodness primarily Doctor Who, Firefly and Star Wars.…
Name of Fangirl: Lauren Fangirl’s School Grade: Sophomore Music Therapy Major at Eastern Michigan University What is her Fangirl interest? Lauren is a member of…
Name of Fangirl: Amie Fangirl’s occupation: Bartender/Website Admin. What is her Fangirl interest? SCI-FI! The Hunger Games books and film, Star Wars films, Harry Potter…
Name of Fangirl: Samantha What is her Fangirl interest? TV Shows- Battlestar Galactica, Doctor Who, Primeval, Torchwood, Batman the animated series, Once Upon a Time, The Walking…
Name of Fangirl: Mayrose What is her Fangirl interest? Anything Star Trek, Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Doctor Who, The Tenth Doctor, LOTR, Torchwood, Misfits, Warehouse 13, Tron:…
Name of Fangirl: Pam Fangirl’s Occupation: Wife, Mom, Full-time college student. What is her Fangirl interest? Star Wars (everything!), The Avengers (namely Tony Stark/Iron Man),…
Name of Fangirl: Leigh Fangirl’s School Grade: 4th year University Student What is her Fangirl interest? Doctor Who, Firefly, Joss Whedon, Felicia Day, Star Wars, Comic…
Name of Fangirl: Rebecca Fangirl’s Occupation: Preschool Teacher What is her Fangirl interest? Doctor Who, Stargate, Lord of the Rings, DC Universe, Black Canary, Iron…
Name of Fangirl: Alia Fangirl’s School Grade: High School Senior What is her Fangirl interest? Alia is a fan of all things Pokémon, Avatar, Harry…
Name of Fangirl: Caroline Fangirl’s School Grade: Homeschooled High School Sophomore What is her Fangirl interest? Caroline, who also goes by her fangirl/online name Taria…
Name of Fangirl: Megan Fangirl Occupation: Mother What is her Fangirl interest? Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Avengers, Hobbit, Harry Potter, Pirates of the…
Name of Fangirl: Maeleah Fangirl’s School Grade: 6th What is her Fangirl interest? Star Wars (Chewbacca), Clone Wars animated series (Ahsoka), My Little Pony (Rainbow…
Name of Fangirl: Timea Fangirl’s School Grade: Junior at St. Martin’s University What is her Fangirl interest? Star Wars isn’t her interest so much as…
Name of Fangirl: Chelsea Fangirl’s Occupation: Associate for the National Council of State Boards of Nursing What is her Fangirl interest? Oh man, lots of stuff.…
Name of Fangirl: Anna Fangirl’s Occupation: Receptionist What is her Fangirl interest? It varies. Anywhere from Harry Potter to Warehouse 13 to Doctor Who. I’m…
Name of Fangirl: Missy What is her Fangirl interest? BATMAN, Star Wars, Star Trek. Why did you decide to shine the spotlight on this Fangirl?…
Name of Fangirl: Rebekah Fangirl’s School Grade: College Student What is her Fangirl interest? Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Disney classics, Harry Potter, Once Upon a Time,…