Name of Fangirls: Carly and Elly
Fangirls School Grades: Carly is a rising 2nd grader and Elly is a rising 4th grader.
What are their Fangirl interests?
Star Wars, the Avengers, Big Hero 6 and Legos.
Why did you decide to shine the spotlight on these Fangirls?
Elly used to hide her interests, because she didn’t think girls were supposed to like superheroes and sci-fi. But as both girls discovered movies and shows like Big Hero 6 and Star Wars Rebels, they learned that girls could be smart, heroic and cool…all at the same time!
How do these Fangirls express their fandom?
Both girls spend hours creating adventures using their Star Wars, Avengers and Lego Friends sets, all mixed together. When not playing Legos, they draw comics based on their favorite characters, with themselves added in as part of the team.
What are their favorite Fangirl items that they cannot live without?
A pen and a notebook – always drawing.