Name of the Fangirl: Tori
Fangirl’s School Grade: Sophomore at Embry Riddle Aernautics University
What is her fangirl interest?
Star Wars,
Princess Leia,
Inspiring high school students to pursue STEM majors, FIRST Robotics Competition,
Why did you decide to shine the spotlight on this fangirl?
Tori “Princess Leia” Hoelscher is a unique fangirl who is an inspiration to everyone she is around. She is a Mechanical Engineering student at Embry Riddle Aeronautics University, and female a role model at the FIRST Robotics Competition, a high school competition that encourages students to pursue STEM majors. She is a self-proclaimed “Super Nerd” and is a visible part of the competition as she volunteers in front of large crowds of people in a custom made Princess Leia costume, her hair in buns. She may only stand 5′ 1″ high, but her adorableness, spirit, and enthusiasm can be easily seen from anywhere in the arena. This is Tori’s story.
When Tori was only 12 she lost her father, a patriotic Air Force pilot who passed away due to a heart aneurism. Since then, she has wanted to follow in her dad’s footsteps, and learn more about engineering in science. In high school she joined her school’s FIRST Robotics Competition team and soon became the lead programmer. Tori has participated in dozens of STEM outreach events like teaching summer workshops to 400 elementary and middle school students with the goal of encouraging them to also consider careers in science and technology. Other outreaches include dozens of robotics demonstrations such as the STEM and Robotics week proclamation at the St Petersburg Science Center. Another demonstration was held at the Museum of Science and Industry in Tampa. She also has taken lead roles with Relay For Life, and her team rose over $3000. She understands the pain of losing a loved relative, and is fighting for the cure so others do not have to live through similar experiences.
Her Father was a huge fan of Star Wars, and collected memorabilia. This hobby was passed on to Tori, to near obsession! Anyone that knows Tori can’t see anything Star Wars related without thinking “I bet Tori would like that,” in fact many people that know Tori through volunteering would most likely not be able to recognize her if she weren’t wearing her Leia buns. The most impressive thing about Tori is just how she expresses her passion to others.
How does this fangirl express her fandom?
Tori recognized in high school she had many mentors and volunteers that helped her goal of becoming an engineer a reality, and immediately after graduating high school she wanted to pay it forward.
Within the past year Tori has continued her involvement with the FIRST Robotics Competition as a Field Technical Assistant at the competitions. This means her responsibility is to work directly with students to help get their robots connected to the field and working through its matches. She dresses up as Princess Leia, a full head to toe custom dress, puts her hair in the famous Leia buns, and the audiences get to enjoy the sight of her on the field helping the teams. In the past 10 months she has volunteered at seven competitions in 5 cities across the state of Florida, and also at the FIRST Robotics Competition World Championship in St. Louis, held in the Edward Jones Dome where the Rams play. Her free time is dedicated to inspiring students, and spares little expense to do so; impressive for an engineering college student.
She is a Fangirl and leader on her campus. She attends Embry Riddle Aeronautics University, a school with a female population of only 14%. She immediately formed a FIRST Robotics Competition Alumni with the goal to organize like-minded “Super Nerds” to volunteer at competitions, encourage the culture that celebrates science and technology, promote her alma mater, and most importantly, to inspire future students to do the same.
What is her favorite quote or personal motto?
May the Force be with you. Always.
What is her favorite fangirl item that she cannot live without?
Her custom made Princess Leia Costume, and her Her Universe Princess Leia zip -up hoodie.
Where can we follow her online?
Tori’s Leia buns are so famous, FIRST used them in their latest promotion video at 1:30 in.