Name of Fangirl: Sarah Jo
Fangirl’s School Grade: college freshman
What is her Fangirl interest?
Star Wars, Captain America, Doctor Who, and Lord of the Rings.
Why did you decide to shine the spotlight on this Fangirl?
I’m a huge Star Wars nerd (my friends are beginning to think it’s unhealthy lol) so I figure why not? Maybe I’m not the only one 😉
How does this Fangirl express her fandom?
I write my own Star Wars fan fics, have a pair of custom lightsabers to go with my character I created, and know almost all there is to know about Star Wars.
What is her favorite quote or personal motto?
“I am no Jedi!” – Ahsoka Tano
What is her favorite Fangirl item that she cannot live without?
Definitely my silver Jedi Symbol necklace