Name of Fangirl: Sarah
Fangirl’s Occupation: Administrative Assistant
What is her Fangirl interest?
I love Doctor Who, Star Wars, Firefly, Buffy, Lord of the Rings, D&D, Star Trek, Neil Gaiman and pretty much any kind of geeky thing you can think of. Totally obsessed with Doctor Who. When I was in school I always wore Star Wars shirts, but they were for dudes so I eventually stopped because it made me feel less girly. Now I proudly show my geek flag, though I never stopped flying it.
Why did you decide to shine the spotlight on this Fangirl?
I love being a fangirl and want to encourage young girls not to be afraid to shine their fandom out there!
How does this Fangirl express her fandom?
I consistently wear my Doctor Who gear and don’t go a day without talking about the things I love with my group of co-workers who enjoy the same stuff I do. Also I continue on the geeky tradition by exposing my son to my geeky interests. He currently loves Doctor Who.
What is her favorite quote or personal motto?
“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.”
What is her favorite Fangirl item that she cannot live without?
My collection of Star Wars on Blu-ray.