Name of the Fangirl: Sam
Fangirl’s Occupation: Writer
What is her fangirl interest?
Sam’s first love is science fiction; she fell in love with Star Wars, Star Trek, and Stargate SG-1 when she was twelve years old, and to this day can name every episode of SG-1 within the first ten seconds of the show – and that’s a series that ran for TEN SEASONS, so that’s saying something. She thinks sci-fi has the ability to create beautiful and amazing allegories for contemporary life (like BSG, for example) and that’s something she really connects with.
Sam also loves comic books; though she’s always been more of a Marvel girl, she’s recently been giving the New 52 a try. Her all-time favorite comic series is Brian K. Vaughn’s “Y the Last Man,” about a virus that wipes out all the men on Earth except one. Do you think that says something weird about her? Sam’s also into gaming; her PS3 is perfect for nights where she just needs to warhammer a dragon in the face.
Additionally, Sam has her Master’s degree in English Literature, and wrote her thesis on a very obscure subset of Victorian fiction called “Sensation Fiction”; because of that, she finds herself drawn to Steampunk culture. Also, the outfits are AMAZING. (Hey, she might be a nerd, but she’s still a girl!)
Why did you decide to shine the spotlight on this fangirl?
Sam lives and breathes fandom, and thinks Her Universe is doing amazing things to shine a spotlight on women in the nerd community. She would think it was amazing to be mentioned on a website for which she has so much respect!
How does this fangirl express her fandom?
Sam expresses her nerdiness through her writing! She’s a staff writer for pop culture and nerd websites PopWrapped, Dork Shelf, and The Televixen, and has had the opportunity to talk with genre greats like Steven Moffat (Doctor Who), Anthony Stewart Head (Buffy the Vampire Slayer), and Sam Huntington (Being Human). She also co-hosts a weekly webseries called “TV POV” with The Televixen. Sam’s also a huge Whovian – she cosplays a retro version of the TARDIS, and is going to be published in two books about Doctor Who this year! She’s an avid cosplayer and convention-goer – and her boyfriend even hosts a TV show on the Space Channel full-time (they’re the nerdiest couple around).
What is her favorite quote or personal motto?
“I aim to misbehave.” – Mal Reynolds
What is her favorite fangirl item that she cannot live without?
Her gigantic stuffed Charmander that she got when she was twelve. It’s perfect for cuddling!
Where can we follow her online?