Name of the Fangirl: Melissa
Fangirl’s School Grade: Graduate School Student of Library Science
What is her fangirl interest?
I first saw Star Wars when I was three, my mom brought it home from the library. I immediately fell in love with it. I grew up on the Original Trilogy and remember my dad taking me to see the special edition of Empire for my 11th birthday. Over the years, I became a fan of other sci-fi and fantasy shows, movies, and books. Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis, Battlestar Galactica, Firefly/Serenity, Once Upon a Time, Sanctuary, Warehouse 13, Eureka, Tamora Pierce’s novels, Lord of the Rings. I think the only one I didn’t become a fan of was Star Trek, however I am now a fan of the reboot.
Why did you decide to shine the spotlight on this fangirl?
Star Wars has been a lifelong obsession for me. I’ve wanted to be Princess Leia since I was 3. And I’ve wanted to be a Jedi since I was a teenager. I can easily quote the movies and lines sometimes pop up in my everyday conversations. As a kid, my classmates poked fun at me, perhaps not as badly as some bullies, but I was criticized for being a girl Star Wars fan. I got the “But you’re a girl” comments and was told when I wore my hair like Princess Leia that I couldn’t be her because I was blond. I always ignored them. I knew what I liked and I didn’t care if no one knew who I was at Halloween the year I was Leia. I’ve stayed true to being a fan no matter what people say.
How does this fangirl express her fandom?
Firstly, through cosplay. I am known to my friends as the Jedi Librarian. I have also cosplayed as Princess Leia and Senator Amidala. Thanks to a birthday gift from a friend when I was 11, I have developed a small collection of random Star Wars action figures, puzzles, and other items. As I got older and learned more about the Jedi and their beliefs, I began to self identify as a Jedi. I’m always telling people May the Force be with you!
What is her favorite quote or personal motto?
“Never tell me the odds” is definitely a fave quote of mine. I was born with several medical problems and the doctors were always telling my mom and I the odds. We’ve taken to quoting Han in those situations. I’ve been beating them since I was a baby and I plan to keep beating them. May the Force be with you is a fave motto too.
What is her favorite fangirl item that she cannot live without?
I love my Her Universe Padme Nouveau shirt. I also take my Star Wars lunch box with me to work with snacks in it.
Where can we follow her online?