Name of the Fangirl: Maria Jose
Fangirl’s Occupation: Sociology Professor
What is her fangirl interest?
Maria Jose loves Star Trek, Star Wars, Superman, The Green Arrow, and Wonder Woman
Why did you decide to shine the spotlight on this fangirl?
Maria Jose is passionate about both the science fiction characters she loves and fans themselves. As a teacher, she knows that many students feel the same way about science fiction as she does, and she uses Star Trek, Star Wars, and superhero movies and television shows to help students better understand sociology. She has also conducted some amazing research in the past six years on fans themselves, working with her husband and fellow sociology professor to study the making of the Star Trek films and charting the incredible history of Star Trek fandom. In 2006, she co-researched the experiences of 8,000 Star Trek Star Wars, and Superman fans from 54 nations, showing how many of the stereotypes about fans are myths. Indeed, one of her findings was that female fans, while perhaps lesser in number than male fans, are actually more active with their fan engagement, especially creatively. Maria Jose is a champion for using academic methods to better understand science fiction and she is a champion for fellow fans. It is wonderful to see how her students relate to her because she is a fan.
How does this fangirl express her fandom?
Maria Jose expresses her fandom by using science fiction in her classes, writing a monthly guest column along with her husband for the official Star website, attending Star Trek conventions, speaking at Star Trek conventions, collecting Star Trek, Star Wars (especially Yoda), and Superhero merchandise, wearing her science fiction T-shirts proudly, and sharing her love of science fiction with her and her husband’s son Nicky.
What is her favorite quote or personal motto?
“Do or do not. There is no try!”
What is her favorite fangirl item that she cannot live without?
Her T shirts: they make her happy and she loves wearing them to class when teaching.
Where can we follow her online?