Name of the Fangirl: Lisa
Fangirl’s Occupation: Graphic Designer
What is her fangirl interest?
The X-Files, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Firefly, Doctor Who, Batman, and Harry Potter.
Why did you decide to shine the spotlight on this fangirl?
I wanted to express my fangirl ways because there are still ladies out there who don’t feel comfortable expressing their inner geek!
How does this fangirl express her fandom?
My home sprinkled with my favorite X-Files, Star Trek, Batman, and Doctor Who memorabilia. I proudly wear tees with my favorite characters from shows, movies, and comics on them. I will take time to stop and acknowledge fellow fans on the street with a nod, smile, or compliment them on their geek attire. I’ll put together at least one fangirl costume every Halloween (I get to celebrate more than once).
What is her favorite quote or personal motto?
“I would never lie. I willfully participated in a campaign of misinformation.”
– Fox Mulder
What is her favorite fangirl item that she cannot live without?
My sexy Agent Scully fan art that my very talented friend made for me as a commission piece.