Name of Fangirl: Kami
Fangirl’s Occupation: University Student, video game store manager, and promotional intern for a video game publisher.
What is her Fangirl interest?
Kami is interested in video games, Star Wars, comic books (Spider-Man, Teen Titans, and Walking Dead especially), A Song of Ice and Fire, Shakespeare, and anime.
Why did you decide to shine the spotlight on this Fangirl?
Kami is very dedicated to all of her hobbies and fandoms. She is even trying to turn her love for video games into a career and hopes to break into social media or community management in the entertainment industry. She branches out into a lot of areas of geek culture and seems to know a little bit about everything so she can be accessible to fellow geek ladies.
How does this Fangirl express her fandom?
Kami has a massive collection of nerdy plush characters (from Chewbacca and Cthulu to Portal and Pokemon). She has more Star Wars, Marvel, and video game t-shirts than anyone I know. She has a ton of video games and even broadcasts her gameplay live while chatting with other gamers. She is an avid convention-goer as well (for work and leisure), and in 2013 she attended PAX East, PAX Prime, SDCC, NYCC, C2E2, and more!
What is her favorite quote or personal motto?
“Valar morghulis” or “Do or do not. There is no try.”
What is her favorite Fangirl item that she cannot live without?
Probably either her R2-D2 Xbox, Playstation 4, or her pink Astro A40 Gaming Headset!
Where can we follow her online?