Name of the Fangirl: Jenna
Fangirl’s Occupation: Jenna is an Entertainment Editor for Fan Voice, comic book author, host Cocktails with Stan with Stan Lee, producer, web host, all around geek girl!
What is her fangirl interest?
She says, “It’s all over the place. Star Wars, Star Trek (I love both, which I consider is a step towards world peace), comic books, horror, video games, BSG, World of Warcraft, dragons, fantasy novels, which got me into the genre … I add new fangirl topics everyday!”
Why did you decide to shine the spotlight on this fangirl?
From the first moment I met Jenna, she impressed me so much! She is an amazing writer, but she does it all! She’s multi-talented and has many skills. She works incredibly hard at everything she does and she is just loved by all. Her warm and welcoming smile, just lights up a room! She is so nice to everyone she meets and she instantly makes you feel like she’s your friend. She’s an excellent example of a Fangirl!
How does this fangirl express her fandom?
She says, “I write about the things I love for many sites, including my own blog. I write comic books (The Pretender graphic novel series is the current one I’m working on), I play video games. I also spend a lot of time chatting with other geeks. When I was a kid, it was hard to find people who loved the same things I did. Now I know they’re everywhere and I’m thrilled to be able to share my passion.”
What is her Favorite Quote or Personal Motto?
Jenna’s favorite quote is, “You will do foolish things, but do them with enthusiasm” She says, “This is a quote by the author Colette that I found back in high school and I absolutely live by it. You have to take risks in life or you’ll live with regret. I’m on my third career, which I love because I took a leap of faith when a door opened for me. Of course it’s hard and of course it’s scary, and I certainly could fail when I try something new, but the idea of living with an “almost” is too much to bear. Take risks. It feels good, even when it doesn’t work. No one wants to watch a movie about Han Solo sitting on his couch eating pizza.”
What is her favorite fangirl item that she cannot live without?
She says, “My Boba Fett helmet. I’ve worn it, posed with it and even used it as a water bowl for my dog after a long hike. I’m not kidding!”
Where can we follow her online?
On her blog: Girl Meets Lightsaber