Name of Fangirl: Caitlin
Fangirl’s Occupation: Chemical engineer
What is her Fangirl interest?
For this submission, Star Wars, specifically Ahsoka Tano. Ahsoka is the character that really pulled her into the Star Wars universe (which I have been a lifelong fan of and imposing on her for years). Ahsoka’s development into an incredibly strong female leader and all around badass was an inspiration. We both feel that Ahsoka is the best new character, and probably the best overall event/story arc to be added to Star Wars in a long time. My wife was ecstatic to see Ahsoka’s return in Rebels finale and immediately told me we were making Star Wars costumes for Denver’s Comic Con.
Outside of Star Wars she’s a PC gamer (World of Warcraft, Diablo, Borderlands, Guild Wars), a fan of the Marvel cinematic universe (especially Guardians), and an avid reader of sci-fi and fantasy literature.
Why did you decide to shine the spotlight on this Fangirl?
She’s my wife and I love her quite a lot. Also, because she put a bunch of work into this cosplay and I think it is one of the first quality Star Wars Rebels Ahsoka cosplays out there. Plus, like I said, she made it all herself, and this is her first cosplay and attempt at many of the techniques she used to make the costume (except for the pants). Just as a bragging point, the montrals are cast from latex, so they move pretty organically and look almost like living tissue in person. Also also because she’s my life and I love her a lot.
Also, on a more personal note she lets me be as a huge of a nerd as I want to be about my own hobbies and our shared ones. I cannot thank her enough for allowing me to be myself and encouraging me to do so.
How does this Fangirl express her fandom?
Most recently with Cosplay and conventions, but that is a new venture for her. Previously she’s built gaming computers, attended movie premiers for countless fantasy, sci-fu, and comic movies, and done some hardcore raiding in WoW.
She also made a Han Solo running outfit to do a gender bender cosplay for the inaugural Star Wars 10k and 1/2 marathon this past January.
Also, our wedding was at a castle, the tables were themed by various nerdoms, we cut our wedding cake with a knife that had a lightsaber hilt, and we both quoted Pokemon in our wedding vows (unplanned). Oh, and her wedding dress had a lace cloak with a hood. Coolest wedding dress ever.
What is her favorite quote or personal motto?
“Screw that noise!” (ClapTrap from Borderlands)
What is her favorite Fangirl item that she cannot live without?
As of the creation of this costume, probably her Ahsoka montrals. After her Ahsoka Clone Wars lightsaber from Saberforge arrives (as her anniversary present, I’d like to take this moment to reiterate how much I love my wife and the fact that a lightsaber is an acceptable, nay exemplary, anniversary present) that might take the cake. Prior to this cosplay, it was probably her How to Train Your Dragon shirt with Toothless +/- her gaming PC.