Name of Fangirl: Andie
Fangirl’s School Grade: Preschool
What is her Fangirl interest?
She loves Wonder Woman, Ghostbusters, Batman, and anything with robots, especially Star Wars and R2-D2!
Why did you decide to shine the spotlight on this Fangirl?
Andie loves to share her fandom with all of her friends and family. She tells elaborate stories about the robots she dreams up and includes the people she loves most in her stories.
How does this Fangirl express her fandom?
Lots of toys, fun clothing and costumes, she tells stories about her favorite characters or ones she made up, and playing pretend. She has busted a lot of ghosts in our house.
What is her favorite quote or personal motto?
Are you kidding me?!?
What is her favorite Fangirl item that she cannot live without?
Her collection of superhero capes. A cape goes with everything!