Name: Shirin H.
Location: Fullerton, CA
Bio: Hey there! As you can tell from my photo, I love Ursula. Every piece that I’m wearing in the photo is made from a Torrid garment! I work at Disneyland as well, so my love for Disney goes deep. I also am a huge fan of Star Trek and Harry Potter. #Huffleupuffpride!
In school? What grade? Out of school? What do you do for a living?
I graduated CSUF last year! I am now working as a Social Media Coordinator with Torrid Fashion!
Think back. Way back. What was your first fandom?
STAR WARS! I grew up with episodes 1-3. I had so many action figures and I still have R2-D2 and C-3PO on my desk today.
What does it mean to be a fangirl?
Being a fangirl means being passionate about something that has made you who you are. If I weren’t a fangirl, my ideals and beliefs wouldn’t be what they are today! These positive role models from every fandom have made me the strong, confident woman I am today.