Name: Nola I.
Location: Tampa, FL
Bio: I became a Star Wars fangirl about 2 years ago when The Force Awakens came out, I know, not a long time. But I really love it. For my birthday, my dad got me a Her Universe Rey dress (Rey is my favorite character) and I love it!! I recently got a Poe Dameron dress, it’s really awesome.
So many fandoms. What’s yours?
Star Wars, Marvel, Disney
How did you become interested in this fandom?
My dad dragged me to see The Force Awakens (at the time I didn’t like SW) but I loved it, and now I love Star Wars and Marvel, because of my dad.
As a fangirl, what are you most proud of?
That I know more about Marvel and Star Wars than my dad, and he has been a fan since he was a kid!