Name: Kate G.
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Bio: Kate is a Star Wars fangirl who lives and breathes female characters, from Leia to Ahsoka and everyone in between. In her spare time, she writes about pop culture quasi-professionally, and one day hopes to be a screenwriter and write a Star Wars story. She has a cat named Poe Dameron.
How do you subtly (or not-so-subtly!) work your fandom into everyday life?
I work as a pop culture writer, so I try to cover all the fandoms I love and write features about not only the good they do but the ways they can improve to be more inclusive for all fans. Also, I wear a lot of geeky fashion to show my pride.
If you could cosplay any character, who would it be?
I’m hoping to one day cosplay Rey in her Resistance get up. But really, I just want to cosplay as Rey in any of her outfits!
Do you have a favorite quote, or personal motto?
I live by Hera Syndulla’s “If you fight only for your own life, then your life means nothing.”