Name: Camryn G.
Location: Sydney, Australia
Bio: I’m just a fangirl who is obsessed with too many things, it’s a slight problem! And I want to cosplay all these characters who have ridiculously complex costumes!
Think back. Way back. What was your first fandom?
Oh, definitely Star Wars! My parents grew up with the original trilogy, and I grew up with the prequels, it was a massive part of my childhood and it’s still one of my favorite things today!
How do you subtly (or not-so-subtly!) work your fandom into everyday life?
Well, most of my stuff for school is fandom-related, and I own WAY too many fandom t-shirts which I always wear on weekends (or whenever I can)
In school? What grade? Out of school? What do you do for a living?
Yup, still in school. Two years left to go! And I also work in a pop culture store, so I get to outwardly be my fangirl self when I work, which sometimes means coming in for a shift in cosplay!