Name: Angie B.
Location: Batesville
Bio: I love science fiction, video games and robots! Huge fan of Miyazaki and Ghibli! I make my own costumes every Halloween and every convention I go to! I am trying to raise 2 children who love Fandoms as much as I do!
In school? What grade? Out of school? What do you do for a living?
Currently working in an office to pay the bills while I work on self-publishing my first book!
How do you share your fandom with others?
Writing, clothing, and making my own cosplay for Halloween and cons! I LOVE cosplay!!
How do you subtly (or not-so-subtly!) work your fandom into everyday life?
Aside from my action figure-laden workspace and Her Universe wardrobe – I have a huge Mega Man tattoo on my arm!