Name: Angela D.
Location: Davis, CA
Bio: I have been playing video games for over 30 years, and I got into comic books at about 8-years old. These two avenues opened up a whole world of fandom for me. I just had a son, and I am excited to share all my favorite nerdy things with him. I really hope he likes sci-fi and Batman 🙂
How do you subtly (or not-so-subtly!) work your fandom into everyday life?
Usually with accessories; I can wear a piece of jewelry, or a hair clip, that goes with any look and still have a tiny nod to all my favorite nerdy things even at work.
So many fandoms. What’s yours?
OMG! TOO MANY – Star Trek: TNG is one of my favs for sure. Final Fantasy, anything Miyazaki, Batman, and the list goes on.
How do you share your fandom with others?
I make reusable coffee sleeves out of nerdy fabrics and then I use a different one every day on my to go cup. I have probably made myself 30+ sleeves. It makes it easy to show all of my fandoms with a small item I use every day.