Designer: Lynne Marie Martens
Title: Enchanted Rose- Beauty and the Beast
Lynne Marie Martens is a self described “California girl, Anglophile, geek, nerd, cosplayer and writer.” She has a MFA in Costume Design from the CalArts and continues to design and sew for theatre, film, and web media world. She has been sewing for twenty years and has been doing costume work for the past decade. Lynne Marie was one of the finalists in last year’s Her Universe Fashion Show and was even featured in a New York Times article on the event.
Her favorite fandoms are Doctor Who, Star Wars, Orphan Black, Marvel, Harry Potter, Disney and the Whedonverse. Regarding her chosen design for this year’s fashion show, she says, “Beauty and the Beast has been my favorite Disney movie since it was first released. I identified so much with Belle in being a bit of a social outcast for being book-smart. I identified with the Beast, wondering if anyone would see me for who I really was and love me. I know every word of that movie and it won’t ever leave me. “