Designer: Lauren Andrews
Title: Doctor Strange’ s Journey – Doctor Strange
Lauren Andrews is a self-described “comic book reading, doll collecting, cat lady from Studio City, California. I have a bit of an obsession with high zany shoes, though I’m totally clumsy and likely to fall while wearing them, “she adds. A graduate of FIDM with degrees in costume and fashion design Lauren used to design bagged Halloween costumes for places like Walmart and Party City. “If you ever run across a sexy Washington crossing the Delaware costume – that’s my fault,” she says with a laugh. Most recently she has been illustrating other people’s designs and creating designs and wigs for short films and local clubs. “I really just love fabric and turning something flat and rectangular into something with shape and life. It’s a really special experience.
“I’m not really happy unless I’m waist deep in creative projects,” she continues, “which usually results in collections of strange things lying around on the kitchen table scaring guests away. I’m a girly girl with a flair for the extreme. The probability I’ll be found spending my weekend drinking tea vs. riding roller coasters is about the same. I’m shy most of the time, but I feel more outgoing when I’m in or around outlandish clothing. I refer to my personal esthetic as ‘kitchen sink,’ it’s when you add everything, including the kitchen sink, and don’t hold anything back. (It’s also a delicious mantra to try with ice cream sundaes!)”
Photo: Mark Edwards