Designer: Elissa Alcala
Title: Into the Night – Vampire Hunter D
Elissa Alcala has a BFA in Fashion design from Parsons School of Design. Originally from the Lone Star State, she moved to Los Angeles soon after graduating and is now a member of local 705, the costumers union. She works with designers to help make their visions a reality, insure their finished ideas look their best on the actors and help keep the continuity. “I have always been making costumes and clothing for myself,” she says. “It has been my dream to become a costume designer so it was only natural that I went to fashion design school to study techniques and design. The rest is history.”
Elissa admits that she tends to be inspired by the odd, unusual and things most people overlook in life. “I LOVE fine details and meticulous design aspects. They drive most people crazy but I live for them. My fabrics usually reflect a hard and soft aspect. I am a dreamer with big ambitious goals that I am determined to achieve. I love designing and am a huge nerd. I’m a cancer survivor with a new vigor of living life to the fullest. Being a nerd is a part of who you are. Getting to wear clothing that looks amazing and shows off your nerdiness in a fashionable way makes you feel great and confident about yourself.”
Photo: Mark Edwards