I have watched Star Wars: The Clone Wars since I was 10 years old. It’s the program that I love more than any other show on TV. I’m 14 years old now, and in my country, and in my school, The Clone Wars is considered a program for children. I think that’s horrible. I am a fan of anime and manga and everyone knows this, but I am a closet fan of The Clone Wars, because I think that my classmates will laugh at me if they know I like it. My connection with my classmates is complicated, and I think it would be worse if they knew. What do you recommend?
Closet Clone Wars Fan
Dear Closet Clone Wars Fan:
I understand why you are a fan of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, as it is a terrific show, and I’m sure we’re all sorry to see it end. I don’t know which country you are from, but even here in the United States, there are people who also believe that the Clone Wars are only for kids. This is likely because they have never seen the show, and they assume that all animated TV shows, especially those that are aired on Saturday mornings, are for children. They often believe this simply because such shows are marketed for children. However, all of us who have seen the Clone Wars know that its storylines and themes can be appreciated by all ages.
I’m sorry to hear that you feel you have to hide your love for the show from your classmates. Please know that there is nothing wrong with you for liking the things that you like. Each of us has interests and passions that make us special and that set us apart from others. Unfortunately, sometimes being set apart in this way can be painful, especially when we want to fit in. However, if you can find the courage to be sure of yourself and of the things that you like, then others will have no reason to doubt you.
It sounds like you felt confident enough to share your passion for anime and manga with your classmates. I’m wondering if this is because you already knew other anime and manga fans or because you knew people who accepted your passion for them. Either way, perhaps you could introduce Star Wars: The Clone Wars to your friends or to other anime and manga fans and show them that it includes universal themes such as good vs. evil, underdogs becoming heroes, redemption, loyalty, and love, that resonate with most people. Exposing your friends to the show and acknowledging that you like it may help them see that it is not just for kids.
If you are confident in your love for the show, and you can stay strong even if your classmates laugh at you, then those around you might see that there isn’t anything to laugh about. Of course, this is easier said than done, and confidence has to be found within. Please know that there are many teenagers and adults here in the U.S. and elsewhere who are big fans of Star Wars: The Clone Wars and who are proud of this fact. Perhaps by connecting with other fans here on Her Universe, on Starwars.com, or on other fan pages, you can find support so that you can be less afraid of expressing your love for the show. At the same time, if you are brave enough to express your appreciation for the Clone Wars at your school and in your country, you might make it safer for other friends or classmates who also might secretly want to express their fanhood too.
Wishing you all the best,
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