Name of Fanboy: Eric
What is his Fanboy interest?
Anything and everything related to Star Wars. From the prequels all the way to Episode VII, Eric loves all Star Wars content!
Why did you decide to shine the spotlight on this Fanboy?
Eric is a truly dedicated Star Wars fan. He includes fandom into his every day life and loves all things about this galaxy far, far away.
How does this Fanboy express his fandom?
One of the main things that Eric does to express his fandom is collecting Star Wars merchandise. He has a huge house that looks like a museum and is filled to the brim with anything from action figures to screen used props from Return of the Jedi. He also attends conventions regularly and wears Star Wars clothing every day!
What is his favorite quote or personal motto?
“It’s them! Blast them!” -Stormtrooper from Episode IV
What is his favorite Fanboy item that he cannot live without?
Eric can’t live without his two dogs, who he named after Star Wars characters- Mara and Kylo.
Where can we follow him online?