Name of Fangirl: Lori
Fangirl’s Occupation: Publications and publicity coordinator at Foothill College in Silicon Valley, California.
What is her Fangirl interest?
I’m a Star Wars Princess Leia/Muppets Miss Piggy wanna-be, and longtime fan of The Dark Knight, Star Trek, Big Bang Theory, as well as cheerleader for astronomy, astrobiology, archeoastronomy, NASA and STEM education.
Why did you decide to shine the spotlight on this Fangirl?
My fan favorites—Miss Piggy and Princess Leia—have very similar demeanors and are voiced by the same amazing man, the oh-so-talented Frank Oz.
How does this Fangirl express her fandom?
I really loathe photos of myself so at every opportunity, I insert a pix of Miss Piggy in place of my mug. My FB buddies love this and love seeing me express myself via Miss Piggy. You’d be shocked at the infinite images of Miss Piggy that are out there! Whether she dons a chādor, prison orange or designer couture, Miss Piggy is my alter ego.
What is her favorite quote or personal motto?
Ha! The following appears at the footer of every email I send: “Do or do not. There is no try.”—Yoda, Jedi Master
What is her favorite Fangirl item that she cannot live without?
My memories of my visits to THE RANCH! I’m so fortunate to know wonderful friends who are also fan dorks with awesome contacts! I’ve been to the Lucasfilm Ranch and Skywalker Sound TWICE! It really is as amazing as you imagine! From the Stag Theatre to the Kurosawa Studio, Wagu beef burgers in the employee cafe to the Valhalla of the Main House where Indy’s whip and hat, the cup of the carpenter, and original Jabba maquette, among others, reside in a treasured glass case to the company store wherein I have dropped a small fortune—priceless memories of a lifetime all!