Name of Fangirl: Mallory
Fangirl’s Occupation: Astronomy graduate student
What is her Fangirl interest?
Mallory has been obsessed with Star Wars since she was 13, and has recently started writing a blog for and podcasting with a new Star Wars group called Far Far Away Radio. She loves everything to do with Star Wars, but really takes an interest in The Clone Wars and The Old Republic eras. Aside from her obsession with all things Star Wars, Mallory loves Avatar: The Last Airbender and Legend of Korra, Harry Potter, and Stark Trek: TNG. Mallory also is an astronomy educator and public outreach coordinator, and loves to get people of all ages excited about science and astronomy.
Why did you decide to shine the spotlight on this Fangirl?
Mallory is dedicated to her fandoms and science, is such a hard worker and, even though she just entered the online fandom, she has quickly found her place amongst Star Wars fans. She also works in science outreach and education, and inspires excitement for astronomy and science in girls and boys alike.
How does this Fangirl express her fandom?
She loves cosplaying as Princess Leia and wearing Star Wars shirts whenever she can! Her Twitter account is also dedicated to all the fandoms she loves.
What is her favorite quote or personal motto?
“He who faces himself, finds himself.” The Clone Wars Season 5 (Ep: The Gathering)
What is her favorite Fangirl item that she cannot live without?
Definitely her original Xbox and Knights of the Old Republic I and II games!
Where can we follow her online?