Name of the Fangirl: Kim
Fangirl’s Occupation: Certified Quality Inspector
What is her fangirl interest?
It might be easier to list what she is not interested in: cooked vegetables
For reals though, she’s interested in the following:
Star Wars, Avengers, My Little Pony, Pikachu, Game of Thrones, Adventure Time, Monster High, Daughter of Smoke & Bone, TMNT, LEGO video games, The Hunger Games, Scott Pilgrim, the San Francisco Giants, bacon, ChocoCat, Harvest Moon, the color green, NBA mascots, Harry Potter, napping, Disney & Pixar movies and KITTIES!
Why did you decide to shine the spotlight on this fangirl?
She is very proud of who she is, and never shies away from showing the world what she is a fan of.
She also loves to encourage others to share their fangirlness!
How does this fangirl express her fandom?
She loves to wear anything that shows what she is a fan of, but its gotta look cute.
She loves to be creative and incorporate her interests into her sewing and craft projects.
She also likes to take pictures of what she is a fan of and share them with others!
She shows her fandom by collecting too: action figures, dolls, comic books and more.
Her Universe Fridays, #HUFriday, aw yeah!
What is her favorite quote or personal motto?
Favorite quote: Laughing like Muppet Yoda from The Empire Strikes Back
Favorite motto: Get that Ratatouille!
What is her favorite fangirl item that she cannot live without?