Name of the Fangirl: Nicole
What is her fangirl interest?
I’ve been a fan of Star Wars for – well, ever. I just remember watching Return of the Jedi and A New Hope years and years ago, but I’m not sure what Star Wars I watched first, or when. I eventually watched them all including the Prequel Trilogy, which I sometimes like better than the Original Trilogy (it’s a tie, depending on my mood – I like one or the other more!) And then late last year I discovered ‘Doctor Who’. He had me at the ‘beans are evil; bad, bad beans’ scene. I also have several other fandoms such as Narnia, Pirates of the Caribbean, Lord of the Rings and One Direction! And I love me some Disney!!
Why did you decide to shine the spotlight on this fangirl?
Well…I’m shining it on myself because I’m a crazy fangirl and it’s time to show it. 🙂
How does this fangirl express her fandom?
I love quoting/acting out scenes from the movies/shows I love. I have action figures from PotC, LotR, Narnia and Star Wars. I have numerous cosplay/costume plans for fandoms (I’m going to try to be Rose Tyler at an upcoming convention!), and I love talking…and talking…AND TALKING about my current fandom. At least my sister loves Doctor Who as well, so she lets me talk about it a lot!
What is her favorite fangirl item that she cannot live without?
Hm…I’d have to say my imagination. That’s what makes it all fun and lets me put myself into the character’s shoes (I love acting!). But if I have to pick something physical…Netflix/dvds from my fandoms. Gotta be able to watch them!