Name of the Fangirl: Heather
Fangirl’s School Grade: College Senior- Old Dominion University
What is her fangirl interest?
Sci-fi and Fantatsy.
Comics – Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, The Avengers.
Books – HP, LoTR, GoT, Ender’s Saga, Hunger Games, etc.
All things Star Wars.
World of Warcraft.
Doctor Who.
Video Games – Halo, Legend of Zelda, Borderlands, Pokemon, Mario, Final Fantasy, etc.
Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along-Blog.
Why did you decide to shine the spotlight on this fangirl?
Being apart of these fandoms are like being a part of a family – being bullied at a young age for liking what was traditionally “boy” was difficult, but once I found a group of people with the same interests as me, I realized to embrace what I “fangirled” over because that was what made me different from the rest of girls in school.
I want people to know that no matter how old you are, you can have nerdy/geeky fandoms and people will love you for it.
How does this fangirl express her fandom?
Currently the best way I showcase my fandoms are via my Tumblr and clothing (I have a HUGE collection of t-shirts from those limited edition sites).
Nerdy tattoos – I have 3.
I have a growing collection of Batman memorabilia and am now starting up a Star Wars collection.
I’m currently on my way to trying to put together a 501st approved Stormtrooper costume since my boyfriend already has an amazing Imperial Guard.
The way that I’m branching out to other fans is by my clothing shop. I’m in a greek organization and it is really hard to find shirts that showcase my nerd (and other nerds as well), so I’m currently selling custom lettered apparel with designs of TARDIS’, Weeping Angels, Pikachu, Kingdom Hearts, and Pokemon.
What is her favorite quote or personal motto?
If you have the choice to be you or Batman, always choose Batman.
What is her favorite fangirl item that she cannot live without?
Hmm, this is really difficult to choose since I have a lot of things I love – but I think it would have to be my N64. Those were the good ol’ days
Where can we follow her online?