Name: Joe E.
Title: Senior HR Manager
What do you do for the company?
I have worked for Hot Topic for over 17 years in the Human Resources department. My actual Job Title is Senior HR Manager, but my role is to help Store and HQ Employees handle any type of employee relations issue. I like to say I have over 8000 people I get to work with all the time.
What makes you “you”?
I am passionate about Blues, vintage R&B and Classic Rock and Roll. I love all things Disney and Star Wars; I have Star Wars Art and Disney Art all over my house. Mid Century Modern is also a passion of mine. I love and appreciate 50’s and 60’s vintage furniture and style. I also collect Silver Dollars… I’m not sure why, I just do!
Do you have a favorite quote or personal motto?
One of my favorite sayings is “Everything in life happens for a reason.”
What are you passionate about?
I am passionate about many things in my life! One thing I get to do here at Hot Topic is to head up the Hot Topic Foundation. It makes me extremely proud to know how many young people we have impacted in a very positive way through Art and Music Education. I know and understand the power of music and art and how it can change a young person’s life….I believe so strongly in what we do and so appreciate all our Hot Topic people who help us to make this happen. I also get to help out other charities by sending out samples; it might be Covenant House in LA or Northern CA, or the Boys and Girls Club of West San Gabriel. Most recently I sent some samples as prizes to a school that was having an Anti-Bulling day at school: Cool to Be Kind. The teacher loves we give some samples to help and just maybe help a person understand it is better to be kind to someone that cruel.
The possibilities are limitless! If you could do anything in this universe, what would it be?
I often joke with my co-workers than when I finally retire from Hot Topic, I’m going to work for a nonprofit full-time. Working with charity is very near and dear to my heart.